In this report we are going to talk about planning. The one thing that you need to know is that if you fail to plan you are planning to win. This statement is probably going to have you reading it a number of times because it seems as if it is turned upside down. Most people assume that if you fail to plan you plan to fail. I want to tell you that this is not entirely true especially in today’s highly robust market. If you have a planning impediment then you need to keep reading this report because it will set you free.
The thing is, planning is designed for controlled environments. If you are creating products you can actually plan to create products. If you have a product creation plan, congratulations, it will probably work. You can control everything that is involved with creating the product.
The same goes if you want to bake a cake. You get a plan and it will probably work because you can control the environment. You can control the temperature, the ingredients and the utensils that you use.
When it comes to making money from your business, things are different. Your business is a contested environment and planning does not work in contested environments. It requires strategy.
Think about playing chess. If you play chess or checkers, how often would you win if before you sat down against your opponent, you actually planned out what it is you are going to do to win the game? You probably won’t win if you do this.
Why, because you have an opponent that’s contesting every single thing you’re doing. Your plan is not going to work. What you need is strategy. What you need is to understand that environment. What you need is to understand everything it is you’re working with. What you need is to understand the strength of the pieces on the board relative to where they’re placed on the board. What you need is strategy.
In essence, the very plan that you seek is probably the very thing that is destroying your success. Most people tend to use plans as strait jackets and they venture out into a contested environment where they find their plan doesn’t work. It is easy to blame the plan. We followed the plan. The thing is, the plan is not going to work in a contested environment.
The purpose of this report is to give you a method and a framework to work with that will allow you to be extremely agile in contested environments. This will liberate you from this whole idea that everything has to be planned out. The fact is you don’t have to plan especially when it comes to contested environments.
If you understand the fact that planning has its role and, strategy has its role then all you need to understand is how to respond strategically in contested, extremely rapid changing environments. I have a framework that will allow you to do that and the success that you seek will be the success that is yours.
As an example of what I am trying to explain let’s say that there is a guy who was dating a girl. They have an amazing relationship and he is totally in love with her. The girl breaks up with the guy. You need to keep in mind that this is the world he knows and everything in his world has been reduced down to this relationship because of all the time they have spent together and the places they have been together. There are also all the people that he met in his life through that particular relationship.
The moment she breaks up with him, his entire world crumbles. Everything seems to be lost. There’s nothing else for him to live for. Now, despite the fact that this is a huge world and that there are millions of women out there that have the potential to be in a
relationship with him, he doesn’t see it. His world shrunk. His entire universe was reduced down to every single thing that was happening in that particular relationship.
In essence to the relationship, everything that had bound them together blinded him to the universe that actually existed beyond that particular relationship. This guy feels like he has nothing else to live for. He is completely depressed, completely lost and feeling that the entire world is lost. He commits suicide because he feels as if there is nothing else to live for. Now, of course suicides happen for all kinds of other reasons, but, that’s not the point that I’m trying to talk about. This isn’t a conversation about suicide.
It’s the conversation about how we can become blinded by the things that we’re engaged in. In the very popular Internet marketing sector, many people become blinded by the plans that they’re exposed to. They think this is all there is and they miss out on some of the other things that are out there.
What I’m saying is that the plans that bind are the plans that can actually blind you to all the other things that are out there. What happens is that we go and we follow this rigid planning process. We do it in isolation. We have our steps that we’re following, these step-by-step plans. This is how they said it’s supposed to be done.
When you follow these step by step plans it can often lead to you being disconnected from the different developing transitions that are happening in the marketplace. That plan can become a strait jacket. If it actually becomes a strait jacket and we are desensitized to the trends and to the transitions. That strait jacket turns into a corporate or company coffin and then it’s all over.
There are real-life examples of how that’s actually happened. Actually one of them is recent. I won’t go into too much detail, but, we’ll mention it. I’m looking to take you to a place where, we’re going to open up some new perspectives. Let me give you an example of what it is I mean by that.
If you were doing a presentation right now in front of a room of hundreds of people and you had a blemish on your forehead, you would be the only person that can’t see the blemish even though you’re the one that’s closest to it. The reason why, is because of your perspective.
Sometimes we can be too close to a situation to be able to see the opportunities it offers or even the dangers that it presents. Sometimes it takes an outside person to come in and challenge our perspective and set us into a different place. In life, what we see depends on where we’re sitting.
Let’s look at things a little bit differently. Think about the 60’s. Think about the automobile industry in the 60’s. It was completely different from where it is today. Think about one of the companies that used to be one of the huge brands back then. They were called, Plymouth. Where is Plymouth today? They don’t exist.
What about the airline industry? I think it was in the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s all the way up until the 60’s or the 70’s Pan American, was the “it” when it came down to air travel. Where is Pan American today? They don’t exist.
What about some of the other companies, some of the companies that had huge brands like, Polaroid and Howard Johnson and Oldsmobile and Maytag, Canada Dry and Gateway, 7-Up? All of them were toppled by transitions.
Here’s what happened, they got so caught up in the brand that they had and how fantastic it was that they lost sight.
What happens is you have all these people in their corporate suits. They’re in the room and they have their plan on how this thing should play out. They have their plan on how it is they’re going to grow their market. The thing is, they are disconnected from the
different trends that are developing.
Guess what happened?
There were some transitions that happened in their marketplace as new players came in and it started to change the game on them a little bit. Dell was one of them. Comp USA sold a lot of computers but Dell started selling computers direct.
What happened to these companies was that they didn’t adapt to those particular transitions that were happening. This is not isolated to just big companies. It happens all over the place. You do not have to be behind when it comes down to what’s happening in whatever your space is. It doesn’t matter what your space is, whether it’s a big market or a little market, a niche market or a whatever, it doesn’t matter.
There’s a way for us to be able to anticipate these transitions and play some double bets, so that we’re here today and we also have a chance to win tomorrow, if any of them actually play out.
What do we do about it?
One of the things is to understand patterns. When we understand certain patterns certain things become predictable. For example, it is winter right now in the United States. We all know that spring comes after winter and we can all predict when spring will arrive. We know that summer comes after spring and then fall before going right back to winter. This is a pattern and we can also say exactly when these particular transitions are going to take place.
Sunrise is another thing that we can predict. We know when the sun is going to rise and when the sun is going to set. Birthdays are the same, we know when we were born and we know that we are going to go and transition to the next age.
These are very simple examples and it might not be that easy in business. We can however look at previous transitions in business and using some vision and some creativity we can anticipate some common transitions.
When we do this we can place some kind of double bet on today and tomorrow. In other words, we can continue to do what it is that we’re doing based on our sensitivity to what’s going on in the environment. We can also look at potential transitions, and place a double bet.
One of the things you want to keep in mind, and the reason you want to do this is that if your market evolves, and your business doesn’t, it is pretty much an open invitation to a disaster. That’s exactly what happened with all those companies that disappeared. The markets evolved and changed but their businesses didn’t.
You can allow yourself to be in the particular place where you’re not necessarily following everybody, where you’re caught up in the herd. I believe that sometimes we have to hustle from the herd. That’s what I mean by, united we fall, divided we stand. Sometimes
we have to actually separate ourselves from popular thinking, the mainstream thinking, because we see something else that’s coming.
There are very few people who actually see the transitions. People tell them not to do it that it is the wrong way to go. What actually happens is that these people get ahead of the transition and they become a part of it. It becomes a huge industry and then everyone else, the herd, comes in trying to jump on it. When this happens everyone is trying to fight and compete. The people who get into these transitions at the very beginning are the big winners.
The good news is that this is a skill that we can all develop. It is something that all of us have access to and it is something that we can start to develop and use right now. All you have to do is have fun, be a visionary and be creative. There is really no right or wrong way to do this because what we’re doing is just playing out different scenarios.
What I want you to do is put off your plans on what you think you should be doing. I want you to put off your strategies for the moment. A lot of the big companies that disappeared had their plans and they had strategies. The thing is if your strategy is based
on something that has changed it won’t work.
You need to make sure that your planning phase or your strategic phase is based on something that is real and something that is happening right now. It could be something that could potentially happen either, in other words, anticipating different transitions.
I have some transitions that have actually taken place. What I want you to do is have some fun with these and just write out what you think will be the next move. What do you think the next transition is going to be? There is no right or wrong response to this it is just about having fun. Don’t be afraid to answer these just have some fun doing it.
There were 14”disc drives, to 8” disc drives, to 5 ¼” disc drives, to 3 ½” disc drives to CD ROM drives. What’s next?
I have purposely made this easy but I want you to just write out what you think some of the answers are and even adding some that don’t even exist yet. This will give you the opportunity to anticipate these possible transitions.
Now take analog phones to digital phones, what’s next?
What about analog cameras, to digital cameras, to…?
Independent bookstores, to chain bookstores, to online bookstores, to mobile bookstores (Amazon kindle), to…?
Have some fun with these and then look at your own particular market. Thinking about your market what transitions do you see happening in your market right now? What are some of the potential transitions you see happening in the future?
How could your success today blind you to the coming dangers, which is what really happened with all these different companies that were successful?
Sometimes that success becomes a blindfold. We get so caught up in our ego, so caught up in our success that we just assumed that because it worked before it will work in the future. We know what it is we’re doing, but, we’re so disconnected and desensitized to the changes that are happening. We are disconnected to the trends and the mark of the transitions. Every move that you make begins to be a move in isolation, that’s disconnected from the real world. Even if you’re adapting it is wrong, because, you’re adapting to the wrong things. You’re adapting to stuff that doesn’t exist.
So take some time and think about your business. Can you see transitions coming or are you too caught up in the planning.
From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making Real Money On The Internet Right Away The economy is still in a shambles and experts warn the worst is yet to come. The government bailed at the banks and the auto companies but no one bailed out the little guy…except for one Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace, but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…
This Is The Best Time To Get Rich
This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real state market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better.
You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online fortune.Take Control of Your Life For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting an Internet business is just getting started. To so many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has been so popular worldwide. Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection (even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES!You can drive a new car every year for the rest of your life.
YES!Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES!You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO! It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.
Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to take action. That’s why his system is getting great results like these:
“I made more money than I thought I would in 11 months simply selling a $29.95 information product on the Internet working from home. By following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy the good life.” – Greg Cesar “I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” – Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” – Deborah Torres Patel
Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income System Today for Just $1 And You Get:
•A 70 minute streaming video presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
•The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
•12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
•12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a
check every month. Nothing could be easier.
•…And much more!
Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for ONLY $1.
Click Here Now To Claim
Your $4,276 Internet
Income System Today For…
Business Transitions Worksheet
To explore business transitions as they apply to your particular situation, consider the questions that follow:
1. Are you tied to a plan that is becoming a straight jacket?
2. Do you know how to respond strategically in contested environments?
3. How do you see the difference between planning and strategy in your
4. Do you follow a plan and if so do you get the results you were expecting?
5. Are you blinded in business by the things you are engaging in?
6. Are you too close to your business to see new opportunities? What opportunities
can you see coming up in your business?
7. Do you understand and can you recognize patterns in your business?
8. Are there any predictable transitions in your business?
9. Are you making any double bets in your business?
10. Are you having fun and being creative when looking at possible transitions in
your business?
From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making Real Money On The Internet Right Away The economy is still in a shambles and experts warn the worst is yet to come. The government bailed at the banks and the auto companies but no one bailed out the little guy…except for one Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace, but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…
This Is The Best Time To Get Rich
This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real estate market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better. You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online fortune.
Take Control of Your Life
For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting an Internet business is just getting started. To so
many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has been so popular worldwide.
Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection (even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES! You can drive a new car every year for the rest of your life.
YES! Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES! You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO! It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.
Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to Take action. That’s why his system is getting great results like
“I made more money than I thought I would in 11 months simply selling a $29.95 information product on the Internet working from home. By following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy
the good life.” – Greg Cesar
“I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” – Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” –Deborah Torres Patel
Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income System Today for Just $1 And You Get:
•A 70 minute streaming video
presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
•The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
•12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
•12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a
check every month. Nothing could be easier.
•…And much more!
Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for ONLY $1.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Click Here Now To Claim
Your $4,276 Internet
Income System Today For…
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Increasing Income by Improving Your Sales Process
How much more money would you like to make this year over last year? The answer to
this question will be different from one person to the next and from one business to the next. Regardless of what this answer is there is one thing that you will continuously need to improve and the impact of this will be huge. This one thing is your sales process. It is important to start looking at where you want to get as a process more so than just something you want to get to. A tree is a good example of a process in action. The process known as photosynthesis is where the sun and the earth are essentially connected and work together to achieve the desired result. Without the sun the tree would die and without the earth the tree would die. Both are required and both are connected. When focusing on your business you should think of the number you want to hit as being a process. This number will be the direct result of how well you set up and design your sales process. The better your sales process the better chance you have of reaching your target goal. Your sales process and how well it works is the key to achieving your target goal. After having designed multi-million dollar sales processes, I fully understand that the designing of a sales process can be intense (especially if you haven’t done it before), but there is a very easy and basic way to understand what it is, how to set it up and how to profit from it. If you are unsure about the process of setting up and executing a sales process you can check out the Sales Process 101 at the end of the report.
When it comes to your sales process you need to have products. Many people feel as
though they don’t have any product to put into their sales process. You don’t have to have your own products, you can use private label rights, public domain products, resell rights products and merchant’s products. You shouldn’t let what you don’t have create a barrier to you being able to set up your sales process immediately and start seeing results. People who are only selling one product online are losing money. You need to incorporate multiple products into your sales process. In order to do this you need to understand how to actually set up a sales process. This is the reason for giving away the Sales Process 101 document. It is a basic sales process method that anyone can use. You can refer to this
until you understand how to design your own sales process. From here you can expand on this and make it as deep and as long as you want it to go.
From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making Real Money On The Internet Right Away The economy is still in a shambles and experts warn the worst is yet to come. The government bailed at the banks and the auto companies but no one bailed out the little guy…except for one Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace,
but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been
featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…
This Is The Best Time To Get Rich
This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real state market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better.
You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online fortune.Take Control of Your Life For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting
an Internet business is just getting started. To so many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has been so popular worldwide. Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection (even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES!You can drive a new car every year for the rest of your life.
YES!Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES!You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO! It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.
Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to take action. That’s why his system is getting great results like these:
“I made more money than I thought I would in 11 months simply selling a $29.95 information product on the Internet working from home. By following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy
the good life.” – Greg Cesar “I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” – Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” – Deborah Torres Patel
Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income
System Today for Just $1 And You Get:
•A 70 minute streaming video presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
•The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
•12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
•12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a
check every month. Nothing could be easier.
•…And much more!
Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for ONLY $1.
Click Here Now To Claim
Your $4,276 Internet
Income System Today For…
Sales Process Worksheet
In order to explore how your sales process can help your income, consider the questions that follow:
1.What was your target income last year and did you achieve it?
2.What can you add to your sales process to ensure you meet this year’s target?
3.Are there any additional products that you can add to your sales process?
4.Are you selling single products only?
5.Do you have access to additional products? (if so list them below)
6.Are you using a one time only special offer to increase your sales?
7.Can you implement different payment methods to increase your sales?
8.How can you expand on your existing sales process?
Step 1: Landing Page
Step 2: Salesletter
Step 3: Order Page
Step 4: NonBuyers Autoresponder Messages
Step 5: One Time Offer
Step 6: O.T.O. Order Page
Step 7: Thank You Page w/O.T.O.
Step 8: Thank You Page wo/O.T.O.
Step 9: Buyer Autoresponder Messages
Step 10: Generate Traffic
The Elements
1. Landing Page
ˆBenefIt Bullets
ˆCompelling Offer
ˆStrong Call to Action
ˆOptin/Subscribe Box
ˆPrivacy Policy
2. Sales Page
ˆPre Head
ˆSub Head
ˆCompelling Introduction
ˆTestimonials (text, audio, video, pictures)
ˆJIT Bonuses
Product pictures ˆ
Strong Call to Action ˆ
Guarantee ˆ
Order Links/Buttons ˆ
Purchasing Option ˆ
P.S. ˆ
Disclaimers, TOC and Privacy Policy ˆ
Contact Info ˆ
3.Order Page
ˆRestated Offer
ˆBenefit Bullets
Purchasing Option ˆ
4.Non Buyers Autoresponder
ˆFollow up messages (text, audio, video)
Testimonials ˆ
Reasons Why ˆ
Additional related offers ˆ
5.One Time Offer(O.T.O.): Limited Offer, Bundle Offer
Boxed out Pre Headline ˆ
Headline ˆ
Strong reason why ˆ
Benefit bullets ˆ
“Yes!” option highly visible ˆ
“No” slightly visible ˆ
6.Order Page
Headline ˆ
“Yes!” ˆ
Restated Offer ˆ
Benefit Bullets ˆ
Purchasing Option
7. Thank You Page w/O.T.O.
Headline ˆ
Thank you message (text, audio, video) ˆ
Restate Benefts ˆ
Primary Download links (if necessary) ˆ
OTO Download Links (if necessary) ˆ
Shipping details (if necessary) ˆ
Special Offer ˆ
8.Thank you Page wo/O.T.O.
ˆThank you message (text, audio, video)
ˆRestate Benefits
ˆPrimary Download links (if necessary)
OTO Download Links (if necessary)
Shipping details (if necessary) ˆ
Testimonials ˆ
Special Offer ˆ
9. Buyer Autoresponder Message
Thank you message ˆ
Audio postcard ˆ
Video postcard ˆ
Testimonials ˆ
Consumption Information ˆ
Special Offers ˆ ˆ
10.Generate Traffc
MySpace ˆ
YouTube ˆ
Facebook ˆ
Blogs ˆ
Text Link Ads ˆ
Social Shopping Sites ˆ
Social Bookmarking ˆ
Blog Carnivals ˆ
eZine Ads ˆ
Solo Ads ˆ
CraigsList ˆ
TraffcExchanges ˆ
Classifed Ads ˆ
Forums ˆ
Banner Ads ˆ
Articles (Writing and Submiting) ˆ
Press Releases ˆ
Pay Per Click ˆ
Afflliates ˆ
Joint Ventures ˆ
The Infrastructure
Domain name ˆ
Web Hosting ˆ
Autoresponder Service ˆ
Merchant Account ˆ
Blog ˆ
MySpace Account ˆ
YouTube Account ˆ
Facebook Account ˆ
Squido Account ˆ
Audio capabilities ˆ
Video capabilities ˆ
VoiceShot account ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet
Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making
Real Money On The Internet Right Away
The economy is still in a shambles and experts warn the worst is yet to come. The government bailed at the banks and the auto companies but no one bailed out the little guy…except for one Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace,
but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been
featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…
This Is The Best Time To Get Rich
This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real estate market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better. You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big
players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online fortune.
Take Control of Your Life
For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting
an Internet business is just getting started. To so
many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has been so popular worldwide.
Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection (even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES! You can drive a n ew car every year for the rest of your life.
YES! Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES! You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO!It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.
Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to Take action. That’s why his system is getting great results like
“I made more money than I thought I would in 11 months simply selling a $29.95 information product on the Internet working from home. By following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy
the good life.” – Greg Cesar
“I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” – Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” –Deborah Torres Patel
Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income System Today for Just $1 And You Get:
•A 70 minute streaming video
presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
•The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
•12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
•12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a
check every month. Nothing could be easier.
•…And much more!
Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for ONLY $1.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Click Here Now To Claim
Your $4,276 Internet
Income System Today For…
this question will be different from one person to the next and from one business to the next. Regardless of what this answer is there is one thing that you will continuously need to improve and the impact of this will be huge. This one thing is your sales process. It is important to start looking at where you want to get as a process more so than just something you want to get to. A tree is a good example of a process in action. The process known as photosynthesis is where the sun and the earth are essentially connected and work together to achieve the desired result. Without the sun the tree would die and without the earth the tree would die. Both are required and both are connected. When focusing on your business you should think of the number you want to hit as being a process. This number will be the direct result of how well you set up and design your sales process. The better your sales process the better chance you have of reaching your target goal. Your sales process and how well it works is the key to achieving your target goal. After having designed multi-million dollar sales processes, I fully understand that the designing of a sales process can be intense (especially if you haven’t done it before), but there is a very easy and basic way to understand what it is, how to set it up and how to profit from it. If you are unsure about the process of setting up and executing a sales process you can check out the Sales Process 101 at the end of the report.
When it comes to your sales process you need to have products. Many people feel as
though they don’t have any product to put into their sales process. You don’t have to have your own products, you can use private label rights, public domain products, resell rights products and merchant’s products. You shouldn’t let what you don’t have create a barrier to you being able to set up your sales process immediately and start seeing results. People who are only selling one product online are losing money. You need to incorporate multiple products into your sales process. In order to do this you need to understand how to actually set up a sales process. This is the reason for giving away the Sales Process 101 document. It is a basic sales process method that anyone can use. You can refer to this
until you understand how to design your own sales process. From here you can expand on this and make it as deep and as long as you want it to go.
From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making Real Money On The Internet Right Away The economy is still in a shambles and experts warn the worst is yet to come. The government bailed at the banks and the auto companies but no one bailed out the little guy…except for one Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace,
but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been
featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…
This Is The Best Time To Get Rich
This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real state market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better.
You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online fortune.Take Control of Your Life For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting
an Internet business is just getting started. To so many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has been so popular worldwide. Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection (even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES!You can drive a new car every year for the rest of your life.
YES!Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES!You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO! It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.
Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to take action. That’s why his system is getting great results like these:
“I made more money than I thought I would in 11 months simply selling a $29.95 information product on the Internet working from home. By following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy
the good life.” – Greg Cesar “I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” – Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” – Deborah Torres Patel
Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income
System Today for Just $1 And You Get:
•A 70 minute streaming video presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
•The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
•12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
•12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a
check every month. Nothing could be easier.
•…And much more!
Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for ONLY $1.
Click Here Now To Claim
Your $4,276 Internet
Income System Today For…
Sales Process Worksheet
In order to explore how your sales process can help your income, consider the questions that follow:
1.What was your target income last year and did you achieve it?
2.What can you add to your sales process to ensure you meet this year’s target?
3.Are there any additional products that you can add to your sales process?
4.Are you selling single products only?
5.Do you have access to additional products? (if so list them below)
6.Are you using a one time only special offer to increase your sales?
7.Can you implement different payment methods to increase your sales?
8.How can you expand on your existing sales process?
Step 1: Landing Page
Step 2: Salesletter
Step 3: Order Page
Step 4: NonBuyers Autoresponder Messages
Step 5: One Time Offer
Step 6: O.T.O. Order Page
Step 7: Thank You Page w/O.T.O.
Step 8: Thank You Page wo/O.T.O.
Step 9: Buyer Autoresponder Messages
Step 10: Generate Traffic
The Elements
1. Landing Page
ˆBenefIt Bullets
ˆCompelling Offer
ˆStrong Call to Action
ˆOptin/Subscribe Box
ˆPrivacy Policy
2. Sales Page
ˆPre Head
ˆSub Head
ˆCompelling Introduction
ˆTestimonials (text, audio, video, pictures)
ˆJIT Bonuses
Product pictures ˆ
Strong Call to Action ˆ
Guarantee ˆ
Order Links/Buttons ˆ
Purchasing Option ˆ
P.S. ˆ
Disclaimers, TOC and Privacy Policy ˆ
Contact Info ˆ
3.Order Page
ˆRestated Offer
ˆBenefit Bullets
Purchasing Option ˆ
4.Non Buyers Autoresponder
ˆFollow up messages (text, audio, video)
Testimonials ˆ
Reasons Why ˆ
Additional related offers ˆ
5.One Time Offer(O.T.O.): Limited Offer, Bundle Offer
Boxed out Pre Headline ˆ
Headline ˆ
Strong reason why ˆ
Benefit bullets ˆ
“Yes!” option highly visible ˆ
“No” slightly visible ˆ
6.Order Page
Headline ˆ
“Yes!” ˆ
Restated Offer ˆ
Benefit Bullets ˆ
Purchasing Option
7. Thank You Page w/O.T.O.
Headline ˆ
Thank you message (text, audio, video) ˆ
Restate Benefts ˆ
Primary Download links (if necessary) ˆ
OTO Download Links (if necessary) ˆ
Shipping details (if necessary) ˆ
Special Offer ˆ
8.Thank you Page wo/O.T.O.
ˆThank you message (text, audio, video)
ˆRestate Benefits
ˆPrimary Download links (if necessary)
OTO Download Links (if necessary)
Shipping details (if necessary) ˆ
Testimonials ˆ
Special Offer ˆ
9. Buyer Autoresponder Message
Thank you message ˆ
Audio postcard ˆ
Video postcard ˆ
Testimonials ˆ
Consumption Information ˆ
Special Offers ˆ ˆ
10.Generate Traffc
MySpace ˆ
YouTube ˆ
Facebook ˆ
Blogs ˆ
Text Link Ads ˆ
Social Shopping Sites ˆ
Social Bookmarking ˆ
Blog Carnivals ˆ
eZine Ads ˆ
Solo Ads ˆ
CraigsList ˆ
TraffcExchanges ˆ
Classifed Ads ˆ
Forums ˆ
Banner Ads ˆ
Articles (Writing and Submiting) ˆ
Press Releases ˆ
Pay Per Click ˆ
Afflliates ˆ
Joint Ventures ˆ
The Infrastructure
Domain name ˆ
Web Hosting ˆ
Autoresponder Service ˆ
Merchant Account ˆ
Blog ˆ
MySpace Account ˆ
YouTube Account ˆ
Facebook Account ˆ
Squido Account ˆ
Audio capabilities ˆ
Video capabilities ˆ
VoiceShot account ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
_________________ ˆ
From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet
Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making
Real Money On The Internet Right Away
The economy is still in a shambles and experts warn the worst is yet to come. The government bailed at the banks and the auto companies but no one bailed out the little guy…except for one Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace,
but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been
featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…
This Is The Best Time To Get Rich
This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real estate market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better. You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big
players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online fortune.
Take Control of Your Life
For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting
an Internet business is just getting started. To so
many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has been so popular worldwide.
Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection (even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES! You can drive a n ew car every year for the rest of your life.
YES! Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES! You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO!It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.
Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to Take action. That’s why his system is getting great results like
“I made more money than I thought I would in 11 months simply selling a $29.95 information product on the Internet working from home. By following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy
the good life.” – Greg Cesar
“I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” – Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” –Deborah Torres Patel
Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income System Today for Just $1 And You Get:
•A 70 minute streaming video
presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
•The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
•12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
•12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a
check every month. Nothing could be easier.
•…And much more!
Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for ONLY $1.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Click Here Now To Claim
Your $4,276 Internet
Income System Today For…
Saturday, May 22, 2010
My question for you is: “Are you at risk?”
Now what exactly do I mean by that? Let me first share with you a quote from a very distinguished professor named Arthur Combs from Northern California University. He said, “Our whole entire educational system is built on right answers which produces a great fear of making mistakes and stifles creativity.”
So, the question of “are you at risk” is really a question of “Are you out taking risks?” Many times we are afraid to take risks and sometimes our decisions are not really conscious all the time. Sometimes it’s really a subconscious thing because we’re afraid of what the results might be. Maybe we’re afraid of humiliation. Maybe we’re afraid of looking silly or looking stupid or looking like an idiot or whatever the case may be.
So, sometimes we become afraid of taking risks, like in a business. Some people are extremely comfortable with the planning phase, the preparation phase, the thinking-about-it phase or talking-about-it phase, and they never really just go out there and do it because they’re afraid of making the mistakes. They’re afraid of the risks that they’re going to be facing, and are saying to themselves, ‘Oh my gosh, what if this doesn’t work? Look at all the different people that are going to see me. They’re going to look down on me. They’re going to think I’m stupid. They’re going to look at me as a failure.’
In other words, there is some subconscious learning that has come from school. It’s not that school is bad, but sometimes the way we learn things can have a very negative subconscious impact on us and it can have an underlining effect on our activities and our behaviors or can affect how we’re thinking and how we’re feeling.
So, the question is, could there be something you have subconsciously learned that is holding you back from taking the proactive type of risks that you need to take to succeed in your business or other areas of your life?
I have three questions I want to ask you.
What’s the reward for taking a risk?
What’s the punishment for taking the risk?
What’s the reward for not taking a risk?
It’s not whether you win or lose. Although I got kicked out of school, I did hang around long enough to know how they grade papers. We know that in school, you do a lot of preparation and you start to sweat and you get a little uncomfortable when the test comes-- whether it’s a test you have known was coming or-- my gosh, don’t let it be a test you didn’t see coming like a pop quiz or a pop test!
Sometimes we’re just not comfortable in taking that test because if you don’t do well on it your paper is going to be marked up and you’re going to experience a lot of pain because you’re going to be able to see that you didn’t do well on it. They don’t reward you for efforts in school. You don’t pass and graduate to the next class because you really put in a good effort.
Maybe you shouldn’t be rewarded for effort. Maybe you should get enough of the answers right to graduate and go to the next level. But the question is, how does that really start to impact us in business, in our life and other particular areas?
So for yourself, what is the reward for taking a risk? Do you have a reward system set up? Sometimes it’s easy to reward ourselves if we take a risk and we kind of win and we do it the right way. But what if you don’t? What do you learn from that and how do you set yourself up to win when you take the risk regardless of whether you “win or lose”? Sometimes we kind of need to have our reward in place because it will help us to move forward and take risks that are necessary.
Another question: What is the punishment for taking a risk? Are there people in your life that punish you verbally or physically? Maybe you’re looked down upon; maybe there are certain things that they make you feel so down about yourself for taking the risk so that, you know what? You don’t even take the risk at all.
So, what is the punishment? Do you even punish yourself? Do you punish yourself mentally for taking risks, especially if you take a risk and it doesn’t work out?
Do you punish yourself? When you think about taking a risk, do you punish yourself by hammering your self-esteem, hammering your self-image and using a lot of negative self-talk on yourself which pretty much just grinds you into the ground? The question is: What’s the punishment that you give yourself for taking a risk?
The third and final question is:
What’s the reward for not taking a risk? This is probably one of the most important questions of all of the three. What is the reward that you give yourself for not taking a risk?
How do you make it okay for yourself to not take the risk? How do you make it okay to avoid exposing yourself to the elements of the environment that you have to expose yourself to if you want to progress and move to that next level in your life?
How are you rewarding yourself? How are you making it okay to stay where you are?
How are you making it comfortable to avoid putting yourself out there on the line? How are you making it okay to live in mediocrity, which is pretty much a place where we stay if we don’t take risks?
It’s only through risks that we can allow ourselves to expand and experience some of the bigger and greater things in life that we have the right to experience, but that are not just going to be handed to us. We have to go out there and get them, in life and in business.
Sometimes we may not be doing these things consciously. It may be a subconscious thing. But we need to expose that so we can deal with it. I have a quote. I don’t know who said the quote, but I just know the quote that, “Progress always involves risk. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first,” (for those of you that know about baseball). You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.
Progress always involves risk. I don’t know who said that, but it’s a phenomenal quote. I love the quote and I think it applies to what it is we’re talking about here today.
Every company that’s great was at risk as it was coming up, and it remains at risk. Risk is something that we shouldn’t be trying to avoid. There’s good risk and there’s bad risk. You don’t want to run across the street of fast moving traffic; that’s an unnecessary risk. You wait or you go to the appropriate corner and you wait for the light.
I’m not talking about stupidity here. I’m talking about the kind of risk that’s necessary that we all have to embrace if we want to expand ourselves and if we want to grow our businesses.
Are you at risk? Are you afraid of risks? Are you rewarding yourself for not taking a risk or are you punishing yourself if you take a risk? Are you punishing yourself if you take a risk and whatever it is you tried didn’t work out? Are you allowing the punishment to accumulate to the point where now you’re completely immobilized and you’re experiencing action paralysis, meaning you just can’t find yourself in a place to move forward because you’re so afraid of what might happen if it doesn’t
work out? Or are you just afraid because based on past experience, you think it’s just not going to work out-- so you’re not even able to learn from your past?
From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making Real Money On The Internet Right Away The economy is still in a shambles and experts warn the worst is yet to come. The government bailed at the banks and the auto companies but no one bailed out the little guy…except for one
Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace, but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been
featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…
This Is The Best Time To Get Rich
This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real estate market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better.
You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online fortune.
Take Control of Your Life
For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting an Internet business is just getting started. To so many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has been so popular worldwide. Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection
(even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES! You can drive a n ew car every year for the rest of your life.
YES! Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES! You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO! It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.
Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to take action.
That’s why his system is getting great results like
“I made more money than I thought I would in
11 months simply selling a $29.95 information
product on the Internet working from home. By
following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able
to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy
the good life.” – Greg Cesar
“I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank
you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” –
Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” –
Deborah Torres Patel
Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income
System Today for Just $1 And You Get:
• A 70 minute streaming video presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This
dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
• The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
• 12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
• 12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a check every month. Nothing could be easier.
• …And much more!
Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for ONLY $1.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Click Here Now To Claim
Your $4,276 Internet
Income System Today For…
“Risk” Worksheet
1. To explore risk as it applies to your particular situation, consider the questions that follow. What past experiences have you had that might have shaped the way you think about risk? (personal experiences, things you have heard from others, etc.)
2. Are there any things you may have subconsciously learned that are holding you
back from taking proactive risks necessary for success in your business and your
life? What are these beliefs?
3. What is your reward system? How do you reward yourself for taking risks? If you don’t already reward yourself, what are some ways that you could in the
4. Do you have any regrets over past risks you could have taken but were too
scared to take at the time? What were the main things holding you back from
taking those risks?
5. What is the punishment for taking a risk? Are there people in your life that
punish you? Do you feel like you punish yourself for taking risks or do you feel
guilty when you think about taking risks?
6. Describe an instance when you considered taking a risk and then have used
negative self-talk, bringing yourself down and eventually talking yourself out of
taking the risk. What sorts of things did you think and say to yourself?
7. What is the reward for not taking a risk? In what ways do you make it okay for
yourself not to take risks? In what ways do you tell yourself its okay to just stay
where you are?
8. Describe the negative consequences of not taking risks. In what ways are risks
a necessity if you want to progress and move to the next level in your life and in
your business?
9. Name two risks you have been thinking about that you really want to take.
a. ________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________
10. What are the potential positive outcomes of taking the risks? (Remember, even
if they do not turn out as planned, you can still have positive outcomes—gained
experience, learned a new skill, met new people, learned how you can do it better
next time, etc.) In what ways will you reward yourself for going ahead and taking
these risks?
“It’s only through risks that we can allow ourselves to expand and experience
some of the bigger and greater things in life that we have the right to
experience, but that are not just going to be handed to us. We have to go
out there and get them, in life and in business.”
From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making Real Money On The Internet Right Away
The economy is still in a shambles and experts
warn the worst is yet to come. The government
bailed at the banks and the auto companies but
no one bailed out the little guy…except for one
Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace,
but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…
This Is The Best Time To Get Rich
This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real estate market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better.
You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online
Take Control of Your Life
For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting
an Internet business is just getting started. To so
many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why
Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has
been so popular worldwide.
Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection(even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES! You can drive a new car every year for the rest of your life.
YES! Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES! You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO! It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.
Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to take action. That’s why his system is getting great results like
“I made more money than I thought I would in 11 months simply selling a $29.95 information product on the Internet working from home. By following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy
the good life.” – Greg Cesar
“I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” – Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” – Deborah Torres Patel
Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income System Today for Just $1 And You Get:
• A 70 minute streaming video presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
• The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
• 12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
• 12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a
check every month. Nothing could be easier.
• …And much more!
Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real
Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash
System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his
entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for
ONLY $1.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Click Here Now To Claim
Your $4,276 Internet
Income System Today For…
Master Resell / Giveaway Rights
The person who you received this report from is an affiliate of Stephen Pierce International, Inc. and Impulsive Profits. If you purchase a recommended product in this report they may make commissions (from Stephen Pierce) on your purchase for providing you with this valuable information. You also do have the right to sell this report, offer it as a bonus in your packages (digital or physical) give it away for free to your clients, on your blog, with material you send out, etc. You also have the right to pass these rights along to anyone who receives this report.
You do not have the right to change the content in any way or quote it without giving credit to the author.
Copyright © 2010, Impulsive Profits Inc., & Stephen Pierce International, Inc.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and
Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Master Resell Rights as details above.
Now what exactly do I mean by that? Let me first share with you a quote from a very distinguished professor named Arthur Combs from Northern California University. He said, “Our whole entire educational system is built on right answers which produces a great fear of making mistakes and stifles creativity.”
So, the question of “are you at risk” is really a question of “Are you out taking risks?” Many times we are afraid to take risks and sometimes our decisions are not really conscious all the time. Sometimes it’s really a subconscious thing because we’re afraid of what the results might be. Maybe we’re afraid of humiliation. Maybe we’re afraid of looking silly or looking stupid or looking like an idiot or whatever the case may be.
So, sometimes we become afraid of taking risks, like in a business. Some people are extremely comfortable with the planning phase, the preparation phase, the thinking-about-it phase or talking-about-it phase, and they never really just go out there and do it because they’re afraid of making the mistakes. They’re afraid of the risks that they’re going to be facing, and are saying to themselves, ‘Oh my gosh, what if this doesn’t work? Look at all the different people that are going to see me. They’re going to look down on me. They’re going to think I’m stupid. They’re going to look at me as a failure.’
In other words, there is some subconscious learning that has come from school. It’s not that school is bad, but sometimes the way we learn things can have a very negative subconscious impact on us and it can have an underlining effect on our activities and our behaviors or can affect how we’re thinking and how we’re feeling.
So, the question is, could there be something you have subconsciously learned that is holding you back from taking the proactive type of risks that you need to take to succeed in your business or other areas of your life?
I have three questions I want to ask you.
What’s the reward for taking a risk?
What’s the punishment for taking the risk?
What’s the reward for not taking a risk?
It’s not whether you win or lose. Although I got kicked out of school, I did hang around long enough to know how they grade papers. We know that in school, you do a lot of preparation and you start to sweat and you get a little uncomfortable when the test comes-- whether it’s a test you have known was coming or-- my gosh, don’t let it be a test you didn’t see coming like a pop quiz or a pop test!
Sometimes we’re just not comfortable in taking that test because if you don’t do well on it your paper is going to be marked up and you’re going to experience a lot of pain because you’re going to be able to see that you didn’t do well on it. They don’t reward you for efforts in school. You don’t pass and graduate to the next class because you really put in a good effort.
Maybe you shouldn’t be rewarded for effort. Maybe you should get enough of the answers right to graduate and go to the next level. But the question is, how does that really start to impact us in business, in our life and other particular areas?
So for yourself, what is the reward for taking a risk? Do you have a reward system set up? Sometimes it’s easy to reward ourselves if we take a risk and we kind of win and we do it the right way. But what if you don’t? What do you learn from that and how do you set yourself up to win when you take the risk regardless of whether you “win or lose”? Sometimes we kind of need to have our reward in place because it will help us to move forward and take risks that are necessary.
Another question: What is the punishment for taking a risk? Are there people in your life that punish you verbally or physically? Maybe you’re looked down upon; maybe there are certain things that they make you feel so down about yourself for taking the risk so that, you know what? You don’t even take the risk at all.
So, what is the punishment? Do you even punish yourself? Do you punish yourself mentally for taking risks, especially if you take a risk and it doesn’t work out?
Do you punish yourself? When you think about taking a risk, do you punish yourself by hammering your self-esteem, hammering your self-image and using a lot of negative self-talk on yourself which pretty much just grinds you into the ground? The question is: What’s the punishment that you give yourself for taking a risk?
The third and final question is:
What’s the reward for not taking a risk? This is probably one of the most important questions of all of the three. What is the reward that you give yourself for not taking a risk?
How do you make it okay for yourself to not take the risk? How do you make it okay to avoid exposing yourself to the elements of the environment that you have to expose yourself to if you want to progress and move to that next level in your life?
How are you rewarding yourself? How are you making it okay to stay where you are?
How are you making it comfortable to avoid putting yourself out there on the line? How are you making it okay to live in mediocrity, which is pretty much a place where we stay if we don’t take risks?
It’s only through risks that we can allow ourselves to expand and experience some of the bigger and greater things in life that we have the right to experience, but that are not just going to be handed to us. We have to go out there and get them, in life and in business.
Sometimes we may not be doing these things consciously. It may be a subconscious thing. But we need to expose that so we can deal with it. I have a quote. I don’t know who said the quote, but I just know the quote that, “Progress always involves risk. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first,” (for those of you that know about baseball). You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.
Progress always involves risk. I don’t know who said that, but it’s a phenomenal quote. I love the quote and I think it applies to what it is we’re talking about here today.
Every company that’s great was at risk as it was coming up, and it remains at risk. Risk is something that we shouldn’t be trying to avoid. There’s good risk and there’s bad risk. You don’t want to run across the street of fast moving traffic; that’s an unnecessary risk. You wait or you go to the appropriate corner and you wait for the light.
I’m not talking about stupidity here. I’m talking about the kind of risk that’s necessary that we all have to embrace if we want to expand ourselves and if we want to grow our businesses.
Are you at risk? Are you afraid of risks? Are you rewarding yourself for not taking a risk or are you punishing yourself if you take a risk? Are you punishing yourself if you take a risk and whatever it is you tried didn’t work out? Are you allowing the punishment to accumulate to the point where now you’re completely immobilized and you’re experiencing action paralysis, meaning you just can’t find yourself in a place to move forward because you’re so afraid of what might happen if it doesn’t
work out? Or are you just afraid because based on past experience, you think it’s just not going to work out-- so you’re not even able to learn from your past?
From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace, but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been
featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…
This Is The Best Time To Get Rich
This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real estate market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better.
You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online fortune.
Take Control of Your Life
For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting an Internet business is just getting started. To so many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has been so popular worldwide. Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection
(even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES! You can drive a n ew car every year for the rest of your life.
YES! Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES! You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO! It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.
Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to take action.
That’s why his system is getting great results like
“I made more money than I thought I would in
11 months simply selling a $29.95 information
product on the Internet working from home. By
following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able
to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy
the good life.” – Greg Cesar
“I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank
you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” –
Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” –
Deborah Torres Patel
Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income
System Today for Just $1 And You Get:
• A 70 minute streaming video presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This
dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
• The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
• 12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
• 12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a check every month. Nothing could be easier.
• …And much more!
Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for ONLY $1.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Click Here Now To Claim
Your $4,276 Internet
Income System Today For…
“Risk” Worksheet
1. To explore risk as it applies to your particular situation, consider the questions that follow. What past experiences have you had that might have shaped the way you think about risk? (personal experiences, things you have heard from others, etc.)
2. Are there any things you may have subconsciously learned that are holding you
back from taking proactive risks necessary for success in your business and your
life? What are these beliefs?
3. What is your reward system? How do you reward yourself for taking risks? If you don’t already reward yourself, what are some ways that you could in the
4. Do you have any regrets over past risks you could have taken but were too
scared to take at the time? What were the main things holding you back from
taking those risks?
5. What is the punishment for taking a risk? Are there people in your life that
punish you? Do you feel like you punish yourself for taking risks or do you feel
guilty when you think about taking risks?
6. Describe an instance when you considered taking a risk and then have used
negative self-talk, bringing yourself down and eventually talking yourself out of
taking the risk. What sorts of things did you think and say to yourself?
7. What is the reward for not taking a risk? In what ways do you make it okay for
yourself not to take risks? In what ways do you tell yourself its okay to just stay
where you are?
8. Describe the negative consequences of not taking risks. In what ways are risks
a necessity if you want to progress and move to the next level in your life and in
your business?
9. Name two risks you have been thinking about that you really want to take.
a. ________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________
10. What are the potential positive outcomes of taking the risks? (Remember, even
if they do not turn out as planned, you can still have positive outcomes—gained
experience, learned a new skill, met new people, learned how you can do it better
next time, etc.) In what ways will you reward yourself for going ahead and taking
these risks?
“It’s only through risks that we can allow ourselves to expand and experience
some of the bigger and greater things in life that we have the right to
experience, but that are not just going to be handed to us. We have to go
out there and get them, in life and in business.”
From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making Real Money On The Internet Right Away
The economy is still in a shambles and experts
warn the worst is yet to come. The government
bailed at the banks and the auto companies but
no one bailed out the little guy…except for one
Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace,
but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…
This Is The Best Time To Get Rich
This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real estate market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better.
You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online
Take Control of Your Life
For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting
an Internet business is just getting started. To so
many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why
Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has
been so popular worldwide.
Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection(even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES! You can drive a new car every year for the rest of your life.
YES! Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES! You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO! It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.
Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to take action. That’s why his system is getting great results like
“I made more money than I thought I would in 11 months simply selling a $29.95 information product on the Internet working from home. By following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy
the good life.” – Greg Cesar
“I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” – Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” – Deborah Torres Patel
Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income System Today for Just $1 And You Get:
• A 70 minute streaming video presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
• The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
• 12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
• 12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a
check every month. Nothing could be easier.
• …And much more!
Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real
Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash
System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his
entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for
ONLY $1.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Click Here Now To Claim
Your $4,276 Internet
Income System Today For…
Master Resell / Giveaway Rights
The person who you received this report from is an affiliate of Stephen Pierce International, Inc. and Impulsive Profits. If you purchase a recommended product in this report they may make commissions (from Stephen Pierce) on your purchase for providing you with this valuable information. You also do have the right to sell this report, offer it as a bonus in your packages (digital or physical) give it away for free to your clients, on your blog, with material you send out, etc. You also have the right to pass these rights along to anyone who receives this report.
You do not have the right to change the content in any way or quote it without giving credit to the author.
Copyright © 2010, Impulsive Profits Inc., & Stephen Pierce International, Inc.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and
Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Master Resell Rights as details above.
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