Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Claim Your FREE Book Today!

Did you know that your chances of winning
the lottery are one in 15,890,700? That's
...well, that's a pretty small chance.

But if you've ever dreamed about being a
millionaire, then save your money on a
lottery ticket. Because I'm about to share
with you how you can make all your dreams
come true.

And guess what? It's completely FREE...
More and more people are discovering that
there's a fortune to be made on the

Real money. I mean millions of dollars
are out there just waiting to be claimed.
Will you be the one to claim them?

Stephen Pierce hopes you will be. He went
from being a broke high-school dropout to
a multi-millionaire. And he did it using
the internet.

Now he wants to share what he's learned
with you, so that you can achieve the same
amazing results.

"Make Real Money on the Internet" is
Stephen's new book. And it really delivers!

The book contains details on everything,
from how to come up with an idea for your
business. And then how to get it running
on autopilot so that you don't have to
lift a finger-just watch the money roll

Stephen leaves no stone unturned when
describing his killer techniques.
You'll learn amazing secrets like:
The ridiculous story of Stephen's success,
and how easy it is for you to start making
money from your own products!

Why the most popular "hot commodity" on the
internet costs you NOTHING to produce!
Step-by-step clear instructions on how to
design, market, and advertise your online

The easy and simple secret to making sure
that people visit your website ...and how to
hook them in so they come back and buy!
And that's just a small taste. This book is
so jam-packed with crucial information, you
may need to read it more than once.

Now here's where it gets really good.

You can get your copy of "Make Real Money
on the Internet" totally FREE!

It sells in store for $19.95, but all you
pay is a small shipping fee.

Just go to and
claim your copy of the book today, and get
started transforming your future.

To Your Success,

Friday, June 18, 2010


If you're like a lot of people, you hate getting up for work in the morning.

You hate your boss, and by the end of the day you just want to pull your hair out and scream.

What if you could quit, and still be rich enough to live your dreams?

And if you're lucky enough to be doing a job you love, wouldn't you jump at the chance to be even more successful?

Most people have dreams of hitting it rich. Or telling their boss where he can stuff it and then walking away. But few really ever do anything about it. They get stuck.

Well, here's your chance to take action, and make a real positive change in your life.

Stephen Pierce has been there. Even worse. He was completely broke with no place to live when he got involved in internet marketing.

He didn't even own a computer! But now he's got much more.

He makes a lot of money each year on the internet. Now he has a beautiful mansion estate in Texas, and spends his time traveling the world with his wife.

Stephen went from bankrupt to bankrolling millions, and in his new book, he spills the beans on how you can do just what he did!

"Make Real Money on the Internet" is the best guide out there to exploring the potential of the internet to put money in your pocket.

Even if you're completely new to online marketing, don't worry. The book is a detailed, step-by-step guide that lays it all out for you.

From the very first steps, Stephen explains the mistakes he made and the lessons he learned.

And how you can put those lessons to use in creating your own profitable online business.

This is not a scam, or an instant get-rich -quick scheme. Getting started will take a little bit of work. But once you're up and running... look out!

That's the best part. Once you read the book, you'll know exactly how to put your business on autopilot. That means you make money without lifting a finger!

These are tried and proven techniques. And they'll work for you, if you're ready to try them. In fact, we're giving them to you.

See, Stephen's offering his book, which usually sells for $19.95, absolutely FREE. That's right. You pay nothing for these valuable secrets.

Stephen knows that the internet has millions in untapped potential. There's enough wealth for anyone that wants to be unbelievably successful.

That potential is waiting for someone to come along and turn it into gold. Someone like you.

So claim your copy of "Make Real Money on the Internet" and take advantage of the same techniques that have made Stephen Pierce a multi-millionaire.

You could be next. Find out how easy it is by getting your FREE copy today at

It's just waiting for you to come and claim it. Your new future is waiting for you here...

Best wishes,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Finally, A Non-Toxic, Patented & Scientifically Proven Technology That Can Protect You & Your Family From Viruses, Bacteria & Germs.

What if you lived in a world where viruses, bacteria and germs -- the causes of many diseases -- were no longer an immediate threat to you?

What if you never had to experience the horror of receiving a doctor's chilling diagnosis that the medicine usually prescribed for your illness is no longer effective -- or watch helplessly as someone you care about suffers from a virus, bacteria or germ or some other life-threatening disease -- with you not being able to do anything about it?

What would you be willing to give to ensure that you and your loved ones would never need to suffer -- or die -- from so-called "super bugs" that cause diseases that are actually preventable?

Imagine never having to worry about dying from a pandemic flu -- or suffering from an MRSA infection, an eye infection, bronchitis or a pathogenic disease -- and any other serious disease caused by bugs, viruses, molds, germs or bacteria, for that matter.

What if you no longer had to live in fear that one day you'll develop a viral disease that doctors have not yet "discovered" a new treatment that isn't resistant to the mutated viral strain that you have aquired?

And what if you had a solution (which costs are negligible) that could bring you back to health in the event that you actually acquired one?

I know, I know. You're probably thinking, "That just can't be true! How could one simple solution possibly solve so many health challenges? Well, you have every reason to be skeptical. I know I was.

But if you can suspend your disbelief for a moment -- you're about to learn more about the most amazing health solution that anyone could ever possess.

Your life -- or the life of your loved ones, especially your children -- could very well depend on this information.

And remember, Silver Sol Technology is available NOW. You don't have to wait for the medical world to "discover" a new treatment for the latest superbug because a simple, safe and effective alternative already exists.

Please visit my website below so that you can educate yourself on what our patented technology is all about, what it will do for you and your family and how you can get it.

And the opportunity we have to refer this amazing product to others is simply unmatched in the industry. Nutronix Revolution is the newest division of Nutronix International, an 11 year old, debt free company with 60+ products shipping to 40 countries around the world.

For a 10 minute overview of the company and opportunity, please call:

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Please contact me if you have any questions! I look forward to working with you.



Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Cost of Inaction Is Too High

Think about the blown opportunities you've had in
your life that you now regret.

What did that missed opportunity cost you?

The cost of inaction can be hard to quantify
because we can’t predict the future. You can’t
predict the level of success, freedom and
security a business would have given you if you’d
been successful in it.

But think about your life. What has it really
cost you to be ignorant of certain things? It is
unbelievable what ignorance can cost you.

Since you are always paying a price, you must
choose how you will pay it. You can pay your
price by deciding not to take an action and
simply remain ignorant. But that price is
significantly higher than the price of action.

The action I'm asking you to take today has a
specific price. But I can assure you it costs far
less than not taking action and remaining
ignorant of the teachings in MRMI Basic Training.

"Become resourceful rather than remorseful" as
Stephen likes to say.

MRMI Basic Training will give you the strategic
advances you need to be competitive and

You'll be able to locate and use all your
leverage points.

You have access to more than you realize.

And you'll find it in MRMI Basic Training.

If you're worried about today's economy, there's
no such thing as an economy problem in your
business. All the economy does is reveal whatever
positioning and marketing problems you have.

And with MRMI Basic Training you'll be able to
say goodbye to those problems forever.

To Your Success,

I. Pierce

P. S. Stop paying paying the price of inaction.
Start taking action instead.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


That's a good question to ask yourself from time to
time, even if you are very successful.

Are you doing things each day that are making your
business better than it was yesterday?

Stephen Pierce understands the fears that hold too
many marketers back and keep them from taking those
small daily steps that make your business better each
day. According to him, what we often fear is success
itself, as crazy as that seems.

Even positive change can be hard to assimilate into
our lives if our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves
are not right and if we don't have enough self-esteem.

Stephen Pierce didn't exactly have a lot of
self-confidence when he was first starting out because
all his family and friends stopped believing in him.

He started one business after another and they all
failed. He finally went bankrupt and had to sleep in a
friend's office space for several months, where he
discovered the internet using a borrowed computer.

Millionaire's Advantage

To help get us back on our track in our business and
life it's good to have mentors guiding the way.

If you can have a coach, that's great. It's also good
to read biographies and study the lives of famous
successful people, like Millionaire's Advantage does.

The marketing section in Millionaire's Advantage is
excellent and isn't written like a lot of marketing
materials on the internet. It uses serious business
terms and is written to someone who actually wants to
create a business that generates long term profits
rather than just make quick cash.

In this section it's as if he's talking to you as if
you are a CEO. You'll come away thinking like a CEO,
which is what you should be doing, even if your
business is very small right now.

Are you ready to improve your life and the lives of
those you live and care for?

Then get the Millionaire's Advantage today.

After you listen to the audios and do the exercises
write back to me and let me know how you liked it.
I'd love to hear from you.

Millionaires Advantage

P. S. Stephen's guarantee is incredible: he'll refund your
money up to 365 days after your purchase if you aren't
completely satisfied.

Mind Mapping by Stephen Pierce

Saturday, June 5, 2010


When it comes to business the one thing that you have to make sure that you master is the fundamentals. In order to illustrate this in the easiest way possible let’s compare it to sports. It can be any sport you like but for the purpose of this report I am going to use American Football.

When you think about football you need to ask yourself “What can a person really do in a game of football?” There are five main things and these are:
These five main things make up the game of football and these are the things that we refer to as the what-to-do aspects. These what-to-do's represent the fundamentals. These are the absolute basics that you must master if you want to even participate in the game, not to mention win the game.

Once we understand the fundamentals the next step is the how-to-dos. You should look at how to do something as more of a creative expression and creative execution of all the what-to-dos. There is a third element that must be figured into the overall equation too and this is the where-to-do-it aspect.

An Online Business Consists of Three Things:
PASS the ball
RUN the ball
CATCH the ball

In this article we are going to focus on the what-to-do element or the fundamentals. This really is the most important aspect because when you strip away everything else it is the mastering of the fundamentals that is going to help you to win any game. Simply put, you have to master the fundamentals if you want to play and the same applies to online business.

For the purpose of this I want to use another sports example. This time we are going to use tennis. Have you ever wanted to play tennis? Have you watched those players on TV? If you want to learn how to play tennis you want to be as good as one of the best tennis players. Now ask yourself this question, what would your first step be?

The first thing you would probably do is look for a tennis coach and to do this you would probably research the best players to see who coached them. You might find videos, etc but that isn’t enough. You will want this person to come and personally teach you how to play tennis.

You organize everything and then when it comes to the training you realize that this person wants to teach you how to play but you just want to play. This person is going to teach you the fundamentals that you need to master to be able to hit a tennis ball back and forth on the court, not to mention the serving aspect. Now, you may think that it all looks easy, and that you should be excellent at serving, but when you jump into it, you realize that its not easy. You decide to quickly move onto something else like hitting the ball back and forth, but even this would be difficult.

What do you do?
You start spending money and buying the most expensive tools to help you out. In this example the tool would be a tennis racket that is marketed as being able to help you do things even better. You buy more and more tools to help you to master the game but you haven’t spent the time learning the fundamentals.

You can relate this to your business. If you don’t learn the fundamentals of how to run your business and the different elements that are required to be successful how can you ever expect to make money? You need to master the fundamentals. Once you master the fundamentals you will know what it takes to run a successful business. Once you have this knowledge you can then look at incorporating additional elements and really start having fun.

Business is like tennis, it’s no fun when you can’t get the ball back over the other side of the court, when you can’t serve and when you can’t hit the ball back when it’s coming to you. The issue won’t be because those who tried to teach you couldn’t teach the issue is that you wanted to play and not learn how to play.
No matter how you look at it you will never be able to run a successful business until you learn how to run a successful business and to do this you need to understand and master the fundamentals.

What you need to do is think about your business right now. Strip away all the things that are nice to do and all the different fads. I want you to think about the fundamentals. What is absolutely essential to your business? What is the blocking and tackling aspects of your business? What is the catching and passing aspect of your business? What is the running of your business? What are the fundamentals - the things that you absolutely must have in place so that you can compete?

Once you have the fundamentals in place the next thing that you need to look at is how to do it. Think about Michael Jordan for a moment. How did he do it? He dribbled the ball, everyone dribbles the ball. What else did he do? He shot the ball, everyone shoots the ball. He passed the ball, everyone passes the ball. He played with four people on his team; everyone plays with four people on their team. He dunk the ball; everyone dunks the ball, for the most part.
Michael Jordan has all the what-to-do. He had the fundamentals, but what made him a superstar?

It’s not just what he did; it’s how he did it. Your business is the same and you can never become a superstar in how you do things until you have the fundamentals in place.

What are the fundamentals in your business that you need to master immediately?
There is a saying that says, “The purpose of strategy is to make sure that we don’t get seduced by things that are nice to do.” When looking at your business you need to strip away all the things that are nice to do.

What are your fundamentals?

Remember the tennis example. It didn’t make sense to spend lots of money on a tennis racket when I couldn’t even hit the ball with a cheap racket. I didn’t have the fundamentals in place.

Can you remember back when you played sport and your shots were off? Can you remember the moments of frustration? You play well now, but you had to learn how. You only do things well now because you were patient, and you learned how to do it, and you mastered the fundamentals.
You need to look at your business. You need to find out what the fundamentals are and you need to master them if you want to achieve success. What do you think the fundamentals are?

When it comes to making money on the internet, regardless of how you want to go about defining it, there are two very specific fundamentals. These are the core fundamentals. These are things that are sitting in front of you all the time but you don’t see them because you think that it can’t be that easy. You allow yourself to become distracted.

The two core fundamental elements of any online business are:

Simply put, you need to generate traffic and make money off that traffic.
These are the two absolute fundamentals of any online business. If you look at the overall big picture of making money on the internet and not focus on any specific part of it, the two essential fundamental aspects will be generating traffic and making money from that traffic. These are the fundamentals that you need to master if you want your online business to be a success.

From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…
If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making Real Money On The Internet Right Away.

The economy is still in a shambles and experts warn the worst is yet to come. The government bailed at the banks and the auto companies but no one bailed out the little guy…except for one Internet marketer.
It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace, but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…

This Is The Best Time To Get Rich

This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real estate market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better.

You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online fortune.

Take Control of Your Life

For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting an Internet business is just getting started. To so many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has been so popular worldwide.

Live The Life Of Your Dreams!

YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection (even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES! You can drive a new car every year for the rest of your life.
YES! Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES! You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO! It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.

Super Cash Success Stories

Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to take action. That’s why his system is getting great results like these:
“I made more money than I thought I would in 11 months simply selling a $29.95 information product on the Internet working from home. By following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy the good life.” – Greg Cesar
“I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” – Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” – Deborah Torres Patel

Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income System Today for Just $1 And You Get:

•A 70 minute streaming video presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
•The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
•12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
•12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a check every month. Nothing could be easier.
•And much more!...

Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for ONLY $1.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Click Here Now To Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income System Today For…

Business Fundamentals Worksheet

To explore business fundamentals as they apply to your business, consider the questions that follow below:

1. When you look at your business like a sport what are the fundamental elements that you need to learn and master?

2. there any fundamental elements of your business that could use some work? List them below.

3.What are the steps you take to make your business work?

4. Do you have a strategy in place for the successful running of your business?

5. Are you spending money without learning the fundamentals of your business? If so could this money be better spent on fundamental training and what type of training is available.

6. How are you generating traffic for your business?
7. Are you generating enough traffic for your business? If not how can you improve this?

8. Are you monetizing the traffic you are generating?


9. Do you know how to turn your traffic into money?

10. What processes have you got in place to monetize your traffic? Can you add more processes?

From Street Thug To Buckingham Palace…

If You Are Sick And Tired Of Struggling To Make A Living, This Internet Millionaire Will Personally Hand You Everything You Need To Start Making Real Money On The Internet Right Away The economy is still in a shambles and experts warn the worst is yet to come. The government bailed at the banks and the auto companies but no one bailed out the little guy…except for one Internet marketer. It’s a huge leap from the mean streets of Washington D.C. to Buckingham Palace, but Stephen Pierce was recently invited for dinner by Prince Charles. He’s been featured on major television news programs and speaks to packed houses around the world. He preaches a very unique message…

This Is The Best Time To Get Rich

This may be the toughest time in history to get a job. Homeowners are forced to walk away from their homes in the face of foreclosure. And the commercial real estate market is about to go down the toilet as well. Yet for many, life has never been better.

You see there is one sector of the economy that gets stronger every year. It’s doing business on the Internet. And it seems everyone – from the big players to 80-year-old grandmothers – is getting in on the action. It seems the Internet has never heard the word recession. was started in someone’s garage. Today, it rakes in $19,000,000,000 a year – that’s 19 BILLION dollars. Stephen Pierce is going to show you how to claim your share of the online fortune.

Take Control of Your Life

For a lot of people, the hardest part about starting an Internet business is just getting started. To so many people, it seems so daunting. That’s why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Super Cash System has been so popular worldwide.
Live The Life Of Your Dreams!
YES! You come home to automated cash each day.
YES! You can go on a vacation whenever you want.
YES! You can work from home or from any location in the world with an Internet connection (even the beach).
YES! You can pay off any lingering debt that is eating away at your life.
YES! You can drive a n ew car every year for the rest of your life.
YES! Your Internet business can become your own personal ATM machine.
YES! You will be free of your J.O.B. and bosses that drive you crazy.
YES! You can do this in just 60 minutes a day.
NO! This is not a job.
NO! You don’t have to have any experience at all.
NO! It won’t take you months (or even weeks) to get started.

Super Cash Success Stories
Stephen is a popular motivational speaker and knows what to say to get people to take action. That’s why his system is getting great results like these:
“I made more money than I thought I would in 11 months simply selling a $29.95 information product on the Internet working from home. By following Stephen’s teachings, I have been able to retire my wife, travel with the family, and enjoy the good life.” – Greg Cesar
“I ended up with tons of sales in 21 days. Thank you Stephen, you continue to be amazing.” – Greg Poulos
“Made me more money than I could dream!” – Deborah Torres Patel

Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income System Today for Just $1 And You Get:

•A 70 minute streaming video presentation of “Real Money, Real Fast.” This dynamic presentation will get you moving. You also get the audio version too.
•The 7 Steps to Success Worksheet. Just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way.
•12 Instant Income machines with Private Label rights. These are income machines in the “go” position. You just add traffic and keep 100% of the income.
•12 Ready-To-Earn Google Cash Creators. Just add traffic and Google will send you a check every month. Nothing could be easier.
•And much more!...

Stephen believes in the power of the Make Real Money On The Internet In 7 Steps Super Cash System so much that’s he’s letting you claim his entire $4,276 Internet Income System today for ONLY $1.

SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Click Here Now To Claim Your $4,276 Internet Income System Today For ONLY $1

Master Resell / Giveaway Rights

The person who you received this report from is an affiliate of Stephen Pierce International, Inc. and Impulsive Profits. If you purchase a recommended product in this report they may make commissions (from Stephen Pierce) on your purchase for providing you with this valuable information.

You also do have the right to sell this report, offer it as a bonus in your packages (digital or physical) give it away for free to your clients, on your blog, with material you send out, etc. You also have the right to pass these rights along to anyone who receives this report.
You do not have the right to change the content in any way or quote it without giving credit to the author.

Copyright © 2010, Impulsive Profits Inc., & Stephen Pierce International, Inc.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Master Resell Rights as details above.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Power to Create Profits - Customers

Business optimization specialist Stephen Pierce gives advice on finding, getting, keeping, and growing customers.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

World's #1 Internet Wealth Advocate Reveals Proven System For Making Money Online

Stephen Pierce, who went from being bankrupt and homeless to running a multi-million dollar business the past ten years, announces the release of his MRMI Super Cash program. As a Certified Accelerated Innovation Trainer, Pierce travels the world coaching CEOs and other corporate executives. He's also a Certified Coach and works one-on-one with individuals who want to pursue their dreams and set up their own home-based Internet business.

Thanks to his travels to Singapore, Australia, India, Malaysia, Dubai, South Africa and other countries, he's helped thousands of people around the world set up their own successful online business as a result of his coaching and inspiration. "I created Super Cash because making more money doesn’t have to mean working more hours. It’s not about working harder… it’s about working smarter and using leverage."

Thanks to the internet there is unprecedented opportunity to make money from home, even during difficult economic times. MRMI Super Cash is a monthly membership site that requires only $1 to join. It shows people step by step how to create an online business and gives members the tools they need to get their websites up and running in hours, with no computer skills required.

Members receive:

* Weekly coaching sessions - Live weekly webinars where members can get their questions answered.

* 12 Instant Income Machines - These are 12 ready-to-go websites where members "Just Add Traffic" and keep 100% of the profits.

* Proven Success Diagram - Takes you step by step through the process of making money online.

* 5 instant traffic expert videos, checklist and process maps - These are the key to bringing visitors to your website again and again.

* Free software, worksheets, guides and more. * 70 minute "Real Money, Real Fast" video - Footage of a dynamic presentation given by Pierce.

* 12 "Google Cash Creators" - Members "Just Add Traffic" to these ready-to-go websites and make money from Google without selling anything.

* And much more!

"My entire life changed the moment I gave myself permission to succeed," says Pierce. "With MRMI Super Cash I have the opportunity to help others see that they, too, can succeed financially beyond what they have ever imagined." For more information about MRMI Super Cash visit

Stephen Pierce -3 Ways To Make Money Online