Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Cost of Inaction Is Too High

Think about the blown opportunities you've had in
your life that you now regret.

What did that missed opportunity cost you?

The cost of inaction can be hard to quantify
because we can’t predict the future. You can’t
predict the level of success, freedom and
security a business would have given you if you’d
been successful in it.

But think about your life. What has it really
cost you to be ignorant of certain things? It is
unbelievable what ignorance can cost you.

Since you are always paying a price, you must
choose how you will pay it. You can pay your
price by deciding not to take an action and
simply remain ignorant. But that price is
significantly higher than the price of action.

The action I'm asking you to take today has a
specific price. But I can assure you it costs far
less than not taking action and remaining
ignorant of the teachings in MRMI Basic Training.


"Become resourceful rather than remorseful" as
Stephen likes to say.

MRMI Basic Training will give you the strategic
advances you need to be competitive and

You'll be able to locate and use all your
leverage points.

You have access to more than you realize.

And you'll find it in MRMI Basic Training.


If you're worried about today's economy, there's
no such thing as an economy problem in your
business. All the economy does is reveal whatever
positioning and marketing problems you have.

And with MRMI Basic Training you'll be able to
say goodbye to those problems forever.

To Your Success,

I. Pierce

P. S. Stop paying paying the price of inaction.
Start taking action instead.
